
When saying, “Good Luck” really felt like saying, “Good Bye"


Written by Eric Salonen

When one is privileged to be a part of the same organization for almost two decades, one of the things that we may simply take for granted are the contacts that we make over the duration of our career. Some of them may be contacts with whom we have fleeting communications, such as an e-mail to a vendor; a phone call to a transport carrier; or, even a meeting with a client.  These are things that we just “do” as part of our daily duties, most of the time, not giving much thought to them once they are completed. However, we are sometimes fortunate enough to be able to collaborate with the same people over a long period of time and we inevitably build relationships with them without even trying.

One such contact wrote me a few weeks ago just to let me know that they were moving on to a new chapter in their life, and to thank me for our years of working together. “Wow,” I wrote along with some other congratulatory words. And I closed my salutations with a simple, “Good luck!” After I pushed send on the e-mail, I stopped and thought about the finality of that moment, and that I most likely won’t have an opportunity to work with that person again as life takes us in different directions. This is someone that I have known for years. Someone that I have written countless emails to, exchanged innumerable telephone calls with, and met with in person on multiple occasions. That is now changing. I wished  them, “Good luck,”  but I felt like I just got done saying “Good bye.” 

Throughout my time at IMV Technologies USA, one of the things that I have cherished the most are the relationships forged with the people at our client locations over the years. Our customers are not merely clients; they are also our partners, and I know that I am very lucky to work with them…especially, when I unfortunately have to tell one of them,  “Good luck.”

The views expressed in IMV Technologies' blog do not necessarily represent the views of the IMV Technologies Group but solely those of the blog post's author.
