
Video: Curt Nelson on the future of the dairy industry


Adding to our existing playlist, we talked to Curt Nelson, DVM, MS with Goodhue Veterinary Clinic, PLLC. He believes that the changes in the dairy industry have already started. There are more vet technicians that are doing the day to day things that veterinarians used to do.

Another big challenge facing U.S vets currently is the new stricter regulations around over-the-counter antibiotics and vets need to be conscious not to administer antibiotics without due diligence.

Instead, the vets role will become more of assisting clients in understanding the vast amounts of data they are presented with and ensure the data is used to increase productivity and profitability.

Check out the interview and get in touch with your own views on how the dairy industry and role of the bovine vet is changing and will continue to do so.
