
Revolutionizing Equine semen traceability : from manual writing to state-of-the-art technology.


Equine reproduction stands as a critical cornerstone of the equestrian world, where the future of champion bloodlines hinges on precision and excellence. The significance of traceability in this sphere cannot be emphasized enough. Accurate identification of semen straws, which house the genetic legacy of prized stallions across diverse breeds, is paramount for the success of breeding programs. In the past, breeders resorted to manual methods of straw identification and labeling, with some transitioning to automated systems, albeit with their own inconveniences. However, the latest leap in technology has ushered in a groundbreaking solution - the IRIS printing system. This article takes an in-depth look at the evolution of traceability in equine reproduction, from manual writing to ultimately unveiling how the IRIS Compact printer is reshaping this industry.

Manual Writing on Semen Straws

In the early days, manual writing on semen straws was the norm. This involved using a specialized pen with ink that could withstand the harsh nitrogen bath. While this method served its purpose, it demanded precision and meticulousness from those tasked with the job, often falling to trainees who had to inscribe a staggering number of straws during their training period. While effective to a degree, this method was time-consuming and susceptible to human error. The legibility of handwritten information deteriorated over time, potentially compromising the integrity of breeding records.

Labelling the Semen Straws

Another technique employed was the use of specific labels designed to withstand exposure to nitrogen. However, this method posed its own set of challenges. Preprinting the labels and then affixing them to the straws was a delicate task, especially given the narrow diameter of the straws. Even if the labels were nitrogen-resistant, they could detach from the straws, a concerning prospect when dealing with high-value stallion genetics. Moreover, this method wasn't optimal for freezing as it introduced a new surface, affecting the freezing time. It also occasionally led to difficulties when fitting the straws into insemination catheters, necessitating forceful manipulation.

Automatic Printing: From First Machine to A Revolutionary Solution, IRIS Compact

Modern times have seen the rise of automatic printing machines in stallion stud facilities. These machines are efficient in preparing straws and offer superior identification compared to manual methods. The precision and legibility they provide are unmatched, reducing the likelihood of errors associated with handwriting. Machine printing ensures uniformity across all straws, simplifying the management of multiple stallions and breeds. Additionally, printed information is more durable, which is crucial given the extended storage durations of semen straws. The professional appearance of machine-printed straws further adds to the credibility of breeding programs.

Some breeders even opt to have industrial partners preprint the straws, with breeders adding only the date of collection using a date stamper.

In the world of equine reproduction, the journey from manual writing on semen straws to the adoption of automatic printing machines has been marked by progress and enhanced accuracy. However, the pursuit of perfection and efficiency has led us to a revolutionary solution - the IRIS printing system.

The IRIS Compact printing system stands as a game-changer in equine reproduction. It brings together cutting-edge printing technology with user-friendly features and intuitive software. What sets IRIS Compact apart is its compact design, making it suitable for even the most space-constrained environments. It eliminates the daily cleaning hassle. The supervision software automates straw counting boosting efficiency and minimizing the risk of errors.

Its high-quality printing capabilities ensure that codes remain durable on medium straws. Most notably, IRIS Compact eliminates the unpleasant odor associated with solvent-based inks, enhancing the working environment for dedicated breeding teams.

In conclusion, the evolution of traceability in equine reproduction has seen remarkable progress, from manual methods to automated systems. The IRIS Compact printing system represents the pinnacle of this journey, revolutionizing the industry. Its compact design, precision, and compatibility with laboratory management software make it a game-changer. IRIS Compact ensures durability, legibility, and a more pleasant working environment, elevating equine breeding to new heights. In an industry where precision and innovation are paramount, the IRIS Compact printing system represents a leap forward, ensuring that the legacy of champion bloodlines remains in safe and capable hands. Equine reproduction has entered a new era of accuracy and efficiency, thanks to the IRIS Compact printing system.

Do you want to know more about IRIS Compact?  Book a Meeting with our experts to answer all your questions. 

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