
IMV Imaging: The History of A Global Leader in Animal Imaging


Check out this article below: The History of A Global Leader in Animal Imaging

by Gavin Mitchell
Managing Director of Imaging at IMV

The foundation blocks of IMV imaging are deeply rooted in one of the world’s first animal imaging businesses, BCF Technology, which was formed by three founding directors in Scotland the 1980’s. The founding Directors saw the important requirements to use diagnostic imaging to manage the health and effective management of both production and companion animals. The other foundation block is a French ultrasound developer called ECM who have operated throughout France since a similar period. In 2017, IMV Technologies bought both businesses to give a rock-solid base to their animal imaging business.

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At the heart of what we do at IMV is our approach to innovation and listening carefully to the needs and desires of our customers. Throughout the last thirty years we have innovated to improve the experience, knowledge, and well-being of vets in the use of diagnostic imaging equipment. We watched and saw our customers using mains powered scanners in cattle barns and innovated and brought the Easi-Scan – the world’s first dedicated battery powered, head mounted display bovine ultrasound. This revolutionised how cattle throughout the world were scanned. This improved workflows and totally changed the posture of vets whilst scanning cows. Our aim was to extend the working life of cattle vets out in the field by reducing back, shoulder and elbow issues through better use of technology.

Shortly after these innovations on ultrasound we were at the forefront of the application of Direct Digital (DR) X-Ray technology to allow equine vets to x-ray a horse in the field, reducing stress on the horse on travelling to a local clinic, speeding up and ensuring the best possible diagnosis in the field. It is fair to say that DR technology totally revolutionised the healthcare of horses. X-Rays could be taken in a matter of seconds wherever the horse stood removing complex wet film processing of x-rays that often lacked consistency and quality. Faster, more effective diagnosis and subsequent appropriate treatment of the animal.

As these animals can’t talk to us, diagnostic imaging always has to be at the absolute heart of a vet’s life and therefore using these diagnostic tools effectively is key right from an undergraduate level to understand the anatomy of the animal to a referral specialist vet working at the top of their profession. Education has been at the heart of the BCF and now IMV business for over thirty years. Your education journey with us will often start at undergraduate level and remain with you throughout your career. Today, that journey is even more supported by our digital presence. Ask some older vets and they would certainly regale their experiences of many early BCF ultrasound training courses. Our worldwide reach has been extensive with products in over eighty countries around the world; from The Falklands to Mongolia and everywhere between.

A great product portfolio of own-designed and manufactured product and other equipment sourced from the world’s leading medical manufacturers, backed by world-class education also needs supported by best in class technical support. The foundation blocks of our successful business.

As market leaders in veterinary imaging in several countries around the world, it seemed appropriate to bring our love, energy and technologies to our friends in South Africa. Through Sonorite and Michelle Broughton we have been working in Southern Africa for many years. In 2017 we decided that Africa deserved further investment to support the growth in your veterinary industry. So, we are delighted to have welcomed Tim and Kirstin to join Michelle based in South Africa with an extensive range of knowledge and experience backing up our local team from our worldwide resources.

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Our commitment to animal imaging is second to none, with our portfolio reaching from basic ultrasound, through all forms of radiography to the very latest in three-dimensional imaging with exciting CT and MRI scanners. All this equipment supported by world-class education, an in-house team of vets and radiographers and many technical, commercial specialists who dedicate their working lives to ensuring vets get the very best from their investment in diagnostic imaging equipment. Our long-term commitment to Africa is without question and we look forward to welcoming you to the IMV imaging family.
