
Get MOO-ving: Get Started with Bovine Ultrasonography!


Are you a vet new to bovine reproductive ultrasound? We are now opening our UK courses to our International Vets!

This course is aimed at new graduates and experienced vets looking to get started using ultrasound for bovine reproductive herd checks.

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In order to qualify for this course, you must:

  • Be able to speak English
  • Show proof of Veterinary degree
  • Show proof of indemnity insurance to perform rectal ultrasonography in the UK

This highly practical course aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to get the most out of your bovine ultrasound exams. You will not only learn how to recognise and evaluate structures using ultrasound, but also how to incorporate your findings into the herd management strategy of the farm.

This is accomplished through a mixture of lecture sessions, case-based discussions and plenty of practical on-farm scanning.

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If you would like any more information about the next upcoming courses, please contact
