
Come and join us to lean more about new breakthrough ultrasound technologies and clinical application at WBC


Are you going to WBC in Cancun, Mexico this year? This year we are so excited to not only have a stand at the exhibition, but to also be sponsoring a forum.

WBC will be held at the Cancun Center over the 20th-24th of May and IMV Technologies can be found on stand I&J. With lots of new items within our Imaging range, it’s a great time to stop by to see them all for yourself. As well as our popular Easi-Scan:Go range, we will have new ultrasound scanner, the ExaPad Micro. The ExaPad Micro is a 32 channel, multi-specie ultrasound scanner with a high image quality and a range of accessories to support your every need.

Further to that, WBC is aligned with our latest product launch, BovIntel! A breakthrough innovation to the veterinary industry. BovIntel is exclusive to the Easi-Scan:Go, as a simple add-on to the Go:Scan app.

As you scan, it will automatically;

  1. Identify the Ovary, Corpus Luteum and Follicles on an ultrasound image
  2. Highlight and label them in colour on your tablet or BUG:Go screen
  3. Take and display precise measurements

We would like to invite you to come along and join the IMV Technology sponsored forum at WBC on Wednesday May 22, from 15:30 to 17:30 in Gran Cancun 3 Hall. During the event you will learn about CFM and our new BovIntel application.

1. Workshop title: Practical applications of Doppler ultrasound in cow reproduction.

Speaker: Dr. Guilherme Pugliesi: Associate Professor at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil

-Practical applications of Doppler ultrasound in beef cow reproduction.

Dr. Rodolfo Luzbel de la Sota: Professor at Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata, Argentina

-Practical applications of Doppler ultrasound in dairy cow reproduction.

2. Workshop title: “A Machine Learning based tool to improve accuracy of Dairy Health Management and speed up the ultrasound examination/workflow.”

Dr. Rodolfo Luzbel de la Sota: Professor at Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata, Argentina”

IMPORTANT: You need to make sure you are signed up to the forum as there are limited spaces. We look forward to seeing you there!

Instructions to register:

If you want to know the way in which attendees can register we share with you the steps:

1. Enter the following link: 1. Ingresar a la siguiente liga:

2. Select “already registered”

Image 1

3. Enter the email you used to register and your registration ID (both come in the confirmation email sent when you register).

4. Once inside the platform select “add more services to my registry”.

Image 2

5. You will then see the “Courses/Workshops” menu, where you can select the forum you want to attend each day. It is important to mention that you can only choose one forum per day.

Image 3

See you in WBC 2024 !

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